though i'm not in any beta, i do know that Player housing hasn't been implemented yet. all we know is that it will be in by retail. since i'm not in beta i can not answer you're question about PvP, but i presume the being able to fight another playe…
some people probably make accounts just so they can make up sh*t about WoW or EQ2 and attempt to give it a bad name. they're afraid to use their real accounts due to them knowing that they'll then being opened to flames and all that.
ii'd just like to know what race you want to be and whether you also RP or not. i myself run a guild and also know many others that i can introduce you to.
i know for a fact that all characters will be wiped, hence, names too. leaving beta characters for retail would not only be unfair but also useless. retail would have everything touched up, while beta is just.. beta they would have to be played on o…
*goes on WoW's PvP server and kills a mage*
sorry sorry, i just had to do that. i am sorry if that annoyed anyone, i just felt the sudden urge to since WoW already has PVP. that was in no way meant to offend EQ2 what so ever. despite me being a Wo…
my tip too you is go back to the store you got it from and see if the disc works on their comps. or try on one of you friends. cause this is starting to look more like the disc's problem than you comp's. however this is the first time i have heard o…
Originally posted by kptone
Understand this WoW will never be better than EQ or EQ2. My friend is in the beta and most of the game is just quests. Thats all u do run around and do questst that are like 1 hour long, and after few days of playing u …
put in a RP server, and bound to be no community problems there. there is a community of RPers out there (including me) who are itching for a RP server.
i just went through 3 pages of thoughtful arguments and 1 page of shit. GaurdianKing is right, WoW is not aimed at 13-15 year olds as their target group. my guild for a fact is full of 15 over, no one is under 15 in my guild. and please no more of t…
Crestguard, have you yourself tired WoW combat system? if you have then please give some points about how WoW combat system is skillless. if you havn't then please shut your mouth, and don't talk about something you havn't even experienced. i'm sick…
Originally posted by grable548
Originally posted by Rikimaru_X
Are you sure about that?
yea i was in beta, there is not much you can change in WoW...
why do you say "was" beta? when did you stop playing? i assure you Rikimaru, that cha…
well put, well put, could not of said it better myself. you don't know how much i have read that WoW has no lore due to it originating from a RTS series. what a load of bullsh*t, just cause WoW was built from WC, doesn't mean that WC's lore can't be…
point exactly, many ppl complain about WoW having crap graphics for a MMORPG but they don't realise Blizz's intentions. Blizz wanted to keep that Warcraft "touch" in WoW, they placed the cartoon like graphics in to do that.
i chose Night Elf coz i wanted a race other than Human, something which i already am. also, NE have purple skin, glowing eyes, 7 feet tall on average, nice weapons and magics and i could be here all day pointing ouit things about NE. secondly i chos…
a MMOFPS yes MMORPG no, SC is just not one of those RP games, but more shooting. so yeah a SC MMOFPS wouild be great, but a SC2 first would be needed first to give it more history like WC
can't wait for it, i'm dying just waiting for open beta. and for those who think WoW only has kill this, bring this kinda quest, i can assure you that there will be more kind of quests than that. blizz is testing this game out push by push, and the …
Originally posted by Hypnotoad
Can someone clarify for me what a role player is?
a roleplayer is one who takes on the role of a character and thinks and acts like that character during the game. the main aspect of roleplaying is probably crea…