to tell you the truth, Halo 2 is really fun, expecially online for XBL, but.....there is a lot of disadvantages, such as gay cheaters, glitchers, and people who are just downright noobs, i have halo 2 for XBL and is awesome, its just really damn gay…
If i went to his funeral, ide prolly through a party after it...
And say....its a celebration bitches.
Playing - CoH and EQ
Waiting On - EQ2, WoW, and GW
Dont really like Stargate SG-1, but recenetly turned on Sci-fi channel and saw the previews for Stargate Alantis, looks cool, saw it, and wasn't that bad.
Playing - CoH and EQ
Waiting On - EQ2, WoW, and GW
Movie gave me chills, cannot wait till this game comes out, so excited.
Loved the tutorial, watching the boat crash along the waves, really sweet.
Playing - CoH and EQ
Waiting On - EQ2, WoW, and GW
Lol, glad he is gone, he was always starting flames, WoW nerd, and a huge smart-ass, idiots like him deserved to be gone.
Cheers BobJones
Playing - CoH and EQ
Waiting On - EQ2, WoW, and GW
Lol same thing happened to me, i thought the game was so fun and i was addicted to it, then when i hit 15, it started to get boring. Also you can die so easily and get like 800 debt from one debt, and i heard at level 27 you get 6k debt (dunno about…
Lol you make me laugh ramadin, i can sometimes hear your voice in your posts, makes me laugh, and con, did you even look in the game manual? mabey it in there?
Playing - CoH and EQ
Waiting On - EQ2, WoW, and GW