The mainstream has been supporting duo core processors for some time.. almsot every new PC has a dual core processor inside, all but the extremely low end ultra-discount PCs are now dual core. It is hardly a passing fad, in fact quad core is making…
That is too bad... have actually been playing it on my laptop for a bit, and it was working quite well, but it is unfortunate that they would not have fixed a bug that old after clearly putting alot of time and effort into developing the game. I've…
Haven't had much of a chance to play, but it is definitely decent for this kind of MMORPG... not sure if that comment about forum users was in regards to this game, I can tell you in game there is actually a "fair" amount of people for a little adve…
110 People? Only in Asia could you afford 110 developers on a MMO title which charges no monthly fee!
You are grossly over-estimating the cost of running the servers... it is negligble.
Haha, as if people need more reasons to quit EQ2. Nothing wrong with setting up a server, just one, like this in wow though, get the ganks and whiners off the other PvP servers.
Having played both I have to say WoW hands down.
EQ2 was a half assed product, and it still is. That's why they have so many patches, and have to rewrite the combat system every few months.
To put it simply WoW is more fun, more polished, and …
Originally posted by santuel
Actually most people quit SWG because the NGE reminds them too much of WoW.
Then those people are complete idiots... the NGE does nothing to make SWG any more like WoW. In fact the more limited skill system, and point …
GW has very little real content updates, 1 non PvP content update in the many months the game has been around, and very little content updates at all.. the content updates for GW will be coming in expansion packs... if DDO can continually add a good…
bwahaha... some idiots actually think it was a great game. Give me a break.. try WoW, hell try anything they're all better. At least the NGE was an attempt.. if they were going to make it fps like though they should have gone all the way.. I tried…
Originally posted by Adamska
Originally posted by jd269
Vanguard will more likely be the game that ticks the final dagger in EQ2/EQ1... I think most WoW fans will be more along the lines of Vanguard what? It is inevitable though that the next gener…