By the data to date, there is only one animal in the Galaxy dangerous to man, man himself. So he must supply his own indispensable competition. He has no enemy to help him.- Lazarus Long
The real issue comes down to why are there two inseprable, exclusive factions? Why must there be this stark dichotomy in the first place? Why are the players not themselves allowed to pledge allegience to any number of factions, alliances, brotherho…
Andromedus1, thanks for this thread. You started with a well thought out proposal, and continued (along with many other posters) with thoughtful and insightful discourse. On top of it all, it's an interesting read, with which I can relate.
Absolutely not.
The entire concept of Myspace, Facebook, Livejournal, and the like are one of the worst plagues known to the internet. They're even worse than 4chan and Somethingawful. Why would I join something that was just a glorified Myspace t…
The concept of "endgame" in MMO's in general is at fault. Just look at the two words that make the conglomerate: "end" and "game". When these words are used together they should imply "the game has ended", and what do you usually do when a game end…
Fuck levels. Fuck classes. Fuck item grinds. Fuck raiding. Fuck instances. Fuck theme park worlds. Fuck consensual PvP or utter lack of PvP.
Where the hell is this generation's version of pre-Trammel UO?
Even though it's in the wiki list of roguelikes that Arbadacarba listed, I gotta make special mention of Slaves to Armok II: Dwarf Fortress. It takes roguelikes to a whole new level by adding city building to the mix, in addition to having one of th…
Welcome to what I've been preaching for many, many years. I've sworn off any MMO than conforms to the Class/Level/Item grind formula so prevalent in the market today.
Or to sum it up in two words: Brave Scientist.
If I actually decide to play a game, I don't half ass it. I tend to know almost everything concerning the …
You're asking for the holy grail. Skill based AND good graphics AND good pvp? If you're into space simulators, EVE could work for you, but if you're looking for a more traditional fantasy MMO, there's not really anything out or to be hyped over.
I've always heard this measurement of time referred to as a 'tick'. To each his own, though.
As long as the people you're talking with understand what you're talking about, it all works.
So. I just gotta ask, if these researchers are a part of the U of New Hampshire, why are they using a generic survey website instead of setting up their own on a university system they should have access to?
I ask because I'm a bit of a stickler …